


Wie ein modernes Aufgabenmanagement Immobilienverwaltern Zeit und Mühe spart

Ein großer Bestandteil des Anruf- und Emailaufkommens im Immobilienmanagement geht zurück auf die Mieter bzw. Immobiliennutzer, die ein Anliegen äußern oder eine Schadensmeldung aufgeben möchten. Dieser und weitere manuelle Prozesse im Immobilienmanagement binden Personalressourcen und...


29 April 2024


Central communication portal for real estate management

With the help of a communication portal, real estate management can increase productivity and improve service quality.

Central and intuitive platform

22 December 2023


iHive® – the cloud software for property managers – flexible & web-based

The property management software iHive® closes the information loop between tenants, owners, service providers and property management - as cloud software. Access to the innovative portal for property managers does not require local installation of...

Digital property management

22 December 2023


Central contract management: Real estate contracts at a glance

Managing the service contracts concluded for a property with external service providers, maintenance companies and other service providers requires perfect organization in order not to lose track of the multitude of contracts for each property...

Unique traffic light system

22 December 2023


Digital dormitory management cost-effective and efficient!

The management of student residences, for example, with their frequent tenant changes and short leases, can cost a lot of time - and above all nerves - in residence hall management.

Digital property management

Especially for your property

Smart integration

22 December 2023


Real estate management online thought ahead!

With the mobile CRM software iHive®, real estate can be managed easily and uncomplicated online.

Digital property management

Especially for your property

Smart integration

22 December 2023
